曾在2005年以首張專輯入選英國水星音樂獎,並以《A Certain Trigger》、《Our Early Pleasures》拿下雙白金的優異銷售佳績,由主唱Paul Smith為首的「馬克西莫公園」身上流著的是英國Post-Punk與New Wave經典血脈,其對青春顫動的精準捕捉在同輩中脫穎而出,堪稱當今最令人興奮的樂團之一。在距上張專輯三年之後,再次找來傳奇製作人Gil Norton,新碟《全民健康》意欲打破目前樂壇一片歡樂表象,給予全民疲軟無力的耳朵一記痛擊!
Maximo Park / The National Health
2. The National Health
3. Hips and Lips
4. The Undercurrents
5. Write This Down
6. Reluctant Love
7. Until the Earth Would Open
8. Banlieue
9. This Is What Becomes of the Broken Hearted
10. Wolf Among Men
11. Take Me Home
12. Unfamiliar Places
13. Waves of Fear
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